QuackFuzed.com is the personal ColdFusion coding blog of Matt Quackenbush. It exists primarily as a place for the author to learn, and hopefully to assist others in learning and/or avoiding some of the same pitfalls and mistakes. (Quack certainly makes enough mistakes daily to make up for the entire ColdFusion community.)

Thank You, cfUniForm...

Posted on June 13, 2012 at 9:13 PM in ColdFusion, Uni-Form Tag Library, jQuery

This probably comes as no surprise, but it has been many years since I have written a form without the aid of cfUniForm. Today, however, I had a need to throw together a ridiculously quick and simple upload form on a project that only has this one form on it. Hardly enough to warrant adding cfUniForm into the mix. Or so it seemed.

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cfUniForm v4.6.0 - IMPORTANT PrettyComments XSS Vulnerability Fix Release

Posted on September 11, 2011 at 5:38 PM in ColdFusion, Uni-Form Tag Library, jQuery

IMPORTANT: If you have textareas in any of your forms, you will want to upgrade!

A big THANK YOU! to Marc Esher for identifying an XSS vulnerability with the plugin that cfUniForm had previously used for "expandable" textareas. Marc contacted the author of the PrettyComments jQuery plugin repeatedly in an effort to help the author resolve this issue. However, the author gave no indication that he was interested in a fix. Because of this, cfUniForm now uses Elastic for expandable textareas.

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Announcing the cfUniForm-users Mailing List

Posted on July 6, 2011 at 11:16 PM in ColdFusion, Uni-Form Tag Library

Short. Sweet. To the point.



cfUniForm v4.5 - Now on GitHub

Posted on July 4, 2011 at 8:58 PM in ColdFusion, Uni-Form Tag Library

After being prodded by several folks for over a year now to move cfUniForm to a public repository, and specifically GitHub, I am pleased to announce that I have finally taken the Git plunge. Git is a dramatic departure from SVN, but it is oh so good in oh so many ways. I feel like I am barely beginning to scratch the surface in git goodness, and can't wait to move *everything* to git.

For now, though, I just wanted to make sure and send out a quickie post to let everyone know that cfUniForm v4.5 is officially available now, and that you can grab it from RIAForge or from GitHub.

Hopefully I can find (make!) some time to get some more detailed posts out in the next few days/weeks, but for now, take a look at my Forms That Don't Suck presentation and demo code, as they contain all kinds of goodies not previously available.

Forms That Don't Suck - Preso & Code (Finally)

Posted on July 4, 2011 at 8:42 PM in ColdFusion, Uni-Form Tag Library

Wow. I, ummm, don't even know what to say. I cannot believe it is July already. The last few months have been a massive whirlwind of activity around the Quack household: remodel, band booster stuff, conferences, presentations, graduation, new job... the list seems to never end. Unfortunately, I have been so busy and have totally last track of time, and never remembered to force myself to sit down and get my presentation and demo code ready to distribute. Oh well, better late than never, I suppose.

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cfUniForm v4.1 - Minor Release Update to Uni-Form 1.4

Posted on June 27, 2010 at 6:21 PM in ColdFusion, Uni-Form Tag Library

I just released cfUniForm 4.1 on RIAForge. As far as cfUniForm is concerned, this is a minor release done for the specific purpose of updating cfUniForm with the latest release (1.4) of the Uni-Form markup and CSS spec. On the other hand, for those who have been seeking themed CSS with cfUniForm, you will be happy to know that this release is for that exact purpose.

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cfUniForm: "Rate Me"

Posted on February 27, 2010 at 7:56 PM in ColdFusion, Uni-Form Tag Library

jQuery's star rating plugin makes it simple to add a "Rate Me" interface to your application. Combine it with cfUniForm v4.0, and now it's ridiculously simple to add a star rating field (or ten) to any form.

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cfUniForm Quick Tip: Struct or String

Posted on February 27, 2010 at 6:32 PM in ColdFusion, Uni-Form Tag Library

One of the improvements in the latest cfUniForm release is a change in behavior for the 'pluginSetup' attribute on the field tag. Even though this change does not break any old code, I still wanted to write a brief explanation of what the change is, why I made it, and how to make use of it.

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cfUniForm v.4.0 - Leaner, Meaner, More Features - Just Plain Ol' Better

Posted on February 24, 2010 at 4:44 PM in ColdFusion, Uni-Form Tag Library

WOW! It has been a year already since cfUniForm v3.0 was released. I guess it's about time I made some serious upgrades, eh? Well, after a year of a few minor updates, I present to you cfUniForm v4.0, a major release with a number of new features and other updates to make it leaner and meaner.

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cfUniForm - Right-Aligned Labels and No Asterisk

Posted on February 17, 2010 at 9:16 PM in General, Uni-Form Tag Library

I sometimes get asked questions like "hey, man, how can I right-align labels with cfUniForm?" or "how can I change colors?", etc. The answer is: override the CSS! That's the entire purpose of Cascading Style Sheets. Here's a quick example of how to override a couple of default behaviors with the Uni-Form specification (which is what cfUniForm is a wrapper for).

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