I am Attending OpenCF Summit

Posted on February 9, 2011 at 10:18 PM in General, ColdFusion

Living here in West Texas is kind of remarkable in a lot of ways. The savage beauty of the desert plains is remarkable. But nothing is more remarkable than the fact that out here you are 6 hours from anywhere, yet 3 hours from absolutely nowhere.

Albuquerque - 6 hours
El Paso - 6 hours
San Antonio - 6 hours
Austin - 6 hours
Dallas/Ft. Worth - 6 hours
Oklahoma City - 6 hours

But drive 3 hours in any direction, and you're still in the middle of absolutely nowhere.

Growing up "back East", an hour drive is torture. Out here, 6 hours is almost next door. Hell, our high school football games are 2-3 hours from home - nearly every week! We have a district game that is 4 hours away!

So when I found out that there was going to be a new ColdFusion conference basically next door, I decided that I had to find a way to fit it into my schedule. I am talking, of course, about OpenCF Summit, coming to Dallas (Garland) February 21-23, 2011. And the price? $34? Seriously? Even with my uber fuel efficient diesel, it will cost me less to get into the conference than the tank of fuel I'll burn driving to/from the show.

What is OpenCF Summit? In their own words...

OpenCF Summit is a community gathering focused exclusively on advancing free and open source software in the CFML community.

If you're interested in diving into the free software CFML engines, learning more about the free software movement, and interacting with the most progressive thinkers in the CFML community, OpenCF Summit is for you!

So if you can make it, do yourself a favor and get registered now! See you "next door", in Dallas!

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On 2/10/11 at 2:21 AM, Matt Woodward said:

Awesome to hear! See you in Dallas in a couple of weeks.

On 2/10/11 at 9:08 AM, Jason Blum said:

Ya, I'm biased, but I honestly think it's shaping up to be THE CFML conference this year.

And be thinking about presenting a quick Pecha Kucha or getting involved with the unconferences. Maybe something on cfUniForm?

On 2/10/11 at 10:35 AM, Eric Cobb said:

I'll be there!

On 2/10/11 at 11:46 AM, Matt Woodward said:


We have presenting opportunities via both the Pecha Kucha sessions and the unconference so definitely come ready to show something. We'll have an attendee info sheet to fill out in the next day or so.

On 2/10/11 at 12:55 PM, Rick Mason said:

Add East Lansing - 18 hours

Not only will I be there but I am driving! Looking forward to renewing old acquaintances and making new ones.

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